Evaluation of yarn demand
With this report, the yarn demand for planned, released and running orders can be determined.
- for the specified period
- for the specified machines
- regarding
- the fabric pieces still to produce
- the scheduling
- the production efficiency
- the company calendar
- the extrapolated production progress
The evaluation allows for determining the yarn required in total as well as the quantities needed for the daily provision.
Criteria for grouping:
- Duration
- Knitting Program
- Item
- ...
The evaluation is available for the production of knitting programs created by STOLL M1plus starting with V7.0.
These knitting programs must be enriched with yarn and consumption information in the Sintral Check of the M1plus.
Parameter | Type | Description |
time_interval | text | Grouping the evaluation period by: day |
grouping_feature | text | Grouping of the evaluation by: machine_name |
report_start | date | Starting date and time of the evaluation |
report_end | date | End date and time of the evaluation |
machine_ids | bigint[] | Machine IDs, for which the evaluation is to be carried out Example. ARRAY[‘9528946’,’9355682’,’12466769’,’9545112’] |
| ||
_article_numbers | text[] | Item numbers by which the filtering is to be done Example: ARRAY['182736312'] |
_customer_ids | text[] | Customer numbers by which the filtering is to be done Example: ARRAY['DigitalKnit', 'KnitPerfect'] |
_production_ids | text[] | Production numbers by which the filtering is to be done Example: ARRAY['MyProduction_0001', ' MyProduction_0204''] |
_pattern_names | text[] | Pattern names by which the filtering is to be done Example: ARRAY['Blue_PJ.seqx', 'CMS530.2LouksEasyPatternB.zip'] |
Column | Type | Content |
time_group | text | Selected time grouping of the data |
domain_group | text | Selected other grouping of the data |
yarnid | text | Yarn IDs |
amount_of_yarn_in_kg | double | Yarn quantity in kilogram |
Code example sample_yarn_demand_grouped.sql
This evaluation doesn't use the database of skr but the pps database and it can do it without previous creation of evaluation auxiliary tables.
select * from report.yarn_demand_grouped(
'day'::text, --_time_interval, can be one of: day, month, year
'pattern_name'::text, -- _grouping_feature, can be one of: 'machine_name', 'pattern_name', 'production_id','customer_id', 'articlenumber'
'2020-01-08 12:00:00'::date, -- _report_begin,
'2020-01-15 12:00:00'::date, -- _report_end,
ARRAY[5021015, 5021005, 5021027]::bigint[], -- _machine_ids
ARRAY[]::text[], -- _article_numbers
ARRAY[]::text[], -- _customer_ids
ARRAY[]::text[], -- _production_ids
ARRAY['Blue_PJ.seqx', 'CMS530.2LouksEasyPatternB.zip']::text[] -- _pattern_names