STOLL PPS and the roles in the company
In your company you assign persons to the professional roles defined by the STOLL PPS, whereby it is also possible to allocate several roles to one person. The core group of the roles consists of dispatcher, operator, service technician, yarn manager, administrator and machine manager. Further details for the roles at the machine, can be found here: Roles and Rights
- Manages and plans the orders (production orders)
- Reacts to faults during the production
- Defines status and completion of knitting orders
- Schedules orders for quality check and to set-up patterns
- Schedules orders to create patterns
- Defines quality attributes for production orders
Operator, Senior Operator, Maintenance, Service Technician
- Operate the machine, remove completed units
- Inspect regularly the status
- React to faults and failures regarding machines allocated to them
- Installs the system, configures it technically
- Configures in part depending on the area (permissions, device types)
- Takes care of the system actualization of the STOLL PPS
- Responsible for the data base management, IT administration, backups, archiving
Machine manager
- Includes machines, devices in the STOLL PPS or removes them
- Imports operating system updates for the machines
- Positions machines in the floor plan
- Takes care of the machine configuration
- Places service and maintenance orders
- Plans the maintenance together with the dispatcher
STOLL Service
- Renders services for STOLL products
- Wants to track the status of his orders
- Monitors process and volume
- Records operating data and evaluates it
- Controls the operation
- Triggers optimization
- Provides input for the company's management
- Makes decisions
- Represents the company
- Coordinates personal planning and production
Production manager
- Takes care of the economic optimization
- Ensures the optimum execution of all orders
- Optimizes all production processes and coordinates them
- Requests quotas at the yarn manufacturer
- Is responsible for the production strategy
Head of the knitting shop
- Management and escalation instance
- Presides the knitting workforce
- Is a specialized production manager
- Is responsible for the optimum execution of the knitting orders
- Determines the shifts
- Cooperates intensively with the controller (technical optimization)
- Takes over the load leveling
- Takes over the investment planning
Yarn manager
- Manages the yarn stocks
- Reports and eliminates shortages of yarns
- Plans the warehousing
- Takes over the warehouse logistics
- Takes over the yarn distribution
Sales staff
- Is on-site at the customer
- Wants to give an assurance about the order to the customer
- Keeps the overview over the current quantity of the production
- Confirms delivery dates
Before using the STOLL PPS, the roles in the production process of your company should be defined clearly. The STOLL PPS responds to this role model regarding its functions.