Removing devices from the room

Devices can be removed from the room and from the floor plan. After deleting the devices they can be assigned to another room in the list.

  1. You are signed in.
    Select the Devices element from the menu bar.
    In the navigation bar select the Installation plan tab.
    At the top right switch from Plan to List
    Select a room on the left of the list.
  1. The list of the devices in this room appears in the center.
  2. 5
    In this list, select the device or devices to be removed.
    Optionally, the machine can also be selected in the floor plan.
    Multiple selection is possible in the list and also in the floor plan holding down the Ctrl key.
    Clicking the > button, the selected devices can be removed from the room.
  1. The room allocation of the devices is changed without the need of saving it. Removing from a room can be carried out in the Plan view in the same way.