Create Machine Group or Rename Groups

Create machine groups

To be able to group machines, first of all a group must be created.

  1. You are signed in.
    Select the Devices element from the menu bar.
    In the navigation bar select the Grouping tab.
  1. The list of the groups appear.
  2. 3
    Select the Create group button on the upper left.
  3. The dialog for creating a new group appears.
  4. 4
    Enter the group name.
    Click OK.
  5. The new machine group is created.
    In case of name conflicts, the name must be changed.

Change the name of machine groups

  1. You are signed in.
    Select the Devices element from the menu bar.
    In the navigation bar select the Grouping tab.
  1. The list of the groups appear.
  2. 3
    Click the desired group name in the list (1).
    Click the Rename button.
  3. Dialog box appears in order to rename the group.
  4. 5
    Edit the group name.
    Click on Save.
  1. The group is renamed.
    In case of name conflicts, the name must be changed.