Categories of Orders
The individual order types are intended for different knitting production tasks. In the tags and input fields in the templates supplied by PPS are adapted to it. However, you can modify the compilation as required via the tab.
With the order type, you can evaluate times and processes by database evaluations separately.
E.g. how long did the set-up procedures take if set-up orders were consistently used for setting up.
A distinction is made between order and ticket
- An order is present in the order list of PPS.
- A ticket, originated by an order, is processed on the machine.
- A ticket is a XML file as well but different in content regarding the XML of an order.
- PPS adds additional tags to the ticket.
- A running numbering is added to the name of the ticket.
The following order types are supported by the STOLL PPS:
General Order
Is to be considered as a basic order, whose object can be freely determined. - It transfers information to the machine (e.g. auxiliary data, actions, etc.) and retrieves information as soon as it is requested. (e.g. data about the production process or the properties of the machine).
- Gets information from the machine if requested.
(e.g. data referring to the production process or to the properties of the machine). - If a pattern is specified, it will automatically be loaded.
- If you want to set the piece counter without specifying a pattern, set the DontReloadPattern tag to true.
This requires a pattern already load on the machine. -
Auto Production Order
The machine reacts in a certain way to an auto production order (APM). - Provided, the machine is switched to Auto Production Mode (APM), the covers are closed and the engaging rod pulled.
- If a machine receives an APM ticket in the APM, it will immediately load it into processing and starts knitting.
- When the knitting process is finished, the ticket is automatically notified as completed to the STOLL PPS and the next AP ticket will be loaded.
- If there is no APM ticket available, the machine will wait with the engaging rod up for the next to come.
- If the AP mode is not active, the order can anyway be loaded manually.
With OKC machines, it is requested for the use to quit all current sequences With EKC machines, no order may be active. -
Guided Production
This type of order ensures that ticket actions can only be triggered by users logged-in on the machine. - With OKC machines, the window is replaced by the window to avoid incorrect operation as soon as a ticket of this type is loaded.
- Start producing the ticket by loading the ticket.
- Ticket cannot be retracted.
With it, the direction of processing is set. -
Setting up the pattern
A pattern creation order serves primarily for allocating a machine at the STOLL PPS, so that no order can be scheduled for this time. - The operator gets the pattern with the order.
- The knitting time of the pattern can be detected within STOLL PPS by the report function.
This time can be registered manually on the production order. - The operator can report back the measured knitting time via a user tag This entry can be used by the dispatcher for the production planning at the PPS. This method is recommended in case there are no calculated times of the pattern workstation.
Setting up
A setup order serves for making schedulable and order the setup of the machine for a fabric as well as provide support for the knitter. - The STOLL PPS user has the possibility of delivering information for the setup via the print preview of the ticket.
(E.g. which yarn is to be allocated to which yarn carriers.) - The pattern specified in the ticket is loaded automatically.
Quality assurance
For logging random sampling, a quality assurance order can be sent to the machine. - E.g. to log for dimensional accuracy, weight or further criteria, which are of interest to the client.
- This order does not knit anything, but it contains the necessary auxiliary data (hints, images, user tags) to respond to questions concerning the quality.
Maintenance and Service work
A maintenance and service order serves for planning maintenance and service work and logging such work in the database. - In the print preview of the ticket, the operator normally gets information about the desired actions.
Oiling, oil refilling, cleaning or re-tightening screws - Notes or the success can be reported back by the auxiliary data.
You can:
Change the basic settings of the knitting machine
Load and save user profiles (OKC)
Configure and save the menu bar (OKC)
Newly generate and pick-up machine key for the pattern encryption - The state of the machine, running such a ticket, is shown in blue with a yellow frame.
A repair order can be sent from the STOLL PPS with notices in the auxiliary data, about what is to be repaired. - Notes and the success of repair can be reported back then.
- In general the STOLL PPS user can show information with each ticket via the print preview.
- A machine that has a loaded repair ticket will be reported as not ready for operation at the control station.
- The machine is displayed in blue in the machine state view.
Machine operating system update
If a machine operating system update is to be scheduled, an order can be generated also for this. - The order defines when the update is to be carried out and the exact operating system version.
- The update is executed when restarting the machine (Reboot) the next time.
If a EVP file ( is in the same directory as the operating system, the licenses are installed automatically.