Display and printing

The STOLL PPS supports the display and the printing of order tickets, to print out for example routing slips for the production. The representation of the ticket can be adapted individually for each ticket type.

Technical details:

  1. Zip File
    Auxiliary files are stored into a Zip file that has the same name as the order.
    These files must be referenced in the order by their names and extensions without further path specifications: <FileName>.<Extension>.
    First of all the Zip file is to be stored in the D:\PPS\ERP\Input folder and then the XML file with the same name with the order data. This way, the PPS is capable of reading-in both files together.
    If you want to attach the Zip file to a manually created order in the PPS, you have to specify the Zip file in the order template with the template editor. Or you load an adapted XML template. The name of the Zip file can be any desired.
  2. McTemplates
    Auxiliary files that are required repeatedly can be stored in the D:\PPS\FtpRoot\McFiles\McTemplates folder. These files area automatically distributed by the PPS to the machines and can be used offline there.
    In the order these files must be referenced this way: templates/<FileName>.<Extension>
  3. WEB Server
    Auxiliary files can also be provided by a WEB server, a FTP server or a shared file server within the network.
    This functionality offers you the possibility of transferring multiple views to the machine that are not limited to the print previews.
    The print preview is represented in a browser control. Via links you can access further views and also make available your own WEB application on the machine.
    You will find application examples in the D:\PPS\SampleTickets\ServiceSettings.xml order.
    In the order, these files must be referenced with an absolute path.

How to proceed:

    Replace the MyPpsSvr text of the example with the server name of the PPS.
    Adapt the pattern name and path.
    Activate the FTP server in the PPS or replace the FTP accesses in the XML file.
    Save the order to the D:\PPS\ERP\Input folder.
    Assign the order to a machine and start the ticket.
  1. Via FTP access, the user profile was saved in D:\PPS\FtpRoot\McFiles\McUserProfiles now and loaded again from there.
  2. The toolbar setup was saved via the network share in the D:\PPS\FtpRoot\McFiles\McSymbolBarConfigs and loaded again from there.
  3. The Public Key for the pattern encryption was re-generated and stored via network share in the D:\PPS\FtpRoot\McFiles\McLicenseKeys.
  4. 6
    Open the print preview and click on Production ID at the top left.
  1. Now, you will see another view that is provided by the Apache WEB server of the·SNS.
    The Service image, the logo and the XSL were loaded offline and correspond to the files from D:\PPS\FtpRoot\McFiles\McTemplates.
  2. The print preview is generated as HTML page and converted internally into a PDF document by the STOLL PPS.
  3. The PDF document is sent to the PostScript capable network printer assigned to the machine, when the print function at the machine is activated.