Private ticket formating

By providing private XSLT style sheets, customer specific data can also be integrated in the print-out. For this, XSLT, XML, HTML and JavaScript programming skills are necessary.

In principle, the mechanism is structured in a way, that the XML ticket contains style sheet instructions like this:

<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="templates/StollTicketStyleSheet.xsl"?>

If an XML file with such instructions is opened in a browser, the XSL file is loaded and via a XSLT transformation, a view of the data is generated which are contained in the XML file. Further documents, however, can also be utilized in the view.

Which data are displayed and how, can be programmed in the XSLT. STOLL provides this D:\PPS\FtpRoot\McFiles\McTemplates\StollTicketStyleSheet.xsl, which produces the following a view: