User tags

User tags serve for calling up information from the user of the machine. The meaning can be determined freely. 50 User tags are available. The knitter fills out these tags at the machine. Once the ticket is finished, this information is stored in the XML file. If the ticket was retrieved by the PPS, it will be stored in the D:\PPS\ERP\Output folder and can be evaluated.

Tag designation



Tag which contains the list of user tags


List of user tags

STOLL:USER_TAG Index=‘1‘ Label=‘Text1‘

User tag 1. The attribute index determines the position in the list. The attribute label determines a display text for the tag.



STOLL:USER_TAG Index=‘50‘ Label=‘Text50‘

User tag 50. The attribute index determines the position in the list. The attribute label determines a display text for the tag.


End of the user tag list


End of the data set for knitter feedback messages

If a label text is additionally entered in the tag, then the tag name will not be displayed at the machine, but the text of the label.
Example: At the machine, the USER_TAG will not be displayed, but the text Faulty pieces.
The XML specification for it: <STOLL:USER_TAG Index=“1“ Label="Faulty pieces"/>
The value of the tag can be preset.
Example: The knitter shall confirm the success of an update. Since the update is generally executed successfully, you can preset the answer with 1, eliminating the need of the input.
<STOLL:USER_TAG Index=“2“ Label="Update successfull [1|0]"/>1</STOLL:USER_TAG>