Calculation algorithm for a ticket
Forecasted or real start time
Immediately with the first released order on a machine that is ready for production or with the first planned order on the machine, but never earlier than the earliest possible production start.
At the end time of the order that is on the machine (in progress, released or scheduled) previously to the current order (scheduled or released)
Or at a real time, when the machine has notified the change of the order from the Released status to the In progress status
Assumption: The material was available before the scheduled start and the machine was free (the machine is not locked against an earlier production start than the scheduled) - Pure Production duration
Number of the pieces to be produced x assumed production duration of one piece / (production efficiency/100) -
Pause time
Period of time that the order must pause based on the operating times, when the start time is included. - Forecasted or real production duration
When in progress:
Current production duration+remaining pieces*duration of one piece/ (production efficiency/100) + Pause time
or Real end time - Real start time - Production efficiency of an order on a machine
With the piece number at hand projection:
Pure production duration / real piece number / assumed production duration
Without the piece number at hand of an order:
Specified value for the production efficiency from the company calendar as well as from the order -
Predicted/Real end time
Predicted/Real start time + Predicted/Real production duration
or real time, when the machine has notified the change of the order from the In Progress status to the Done status.
For the projection of the production end during the running production, generally, the elapsed time and the expected remaining time are summed up. The remaining time to be expected is only calculated from the specified time per piece or sequence run-through in the ticket and not based on the elapsed time per piece during the previous production.
Standstill times are not considered in the forecast since there can be many reasons for a standstill, which would rather distort the forecast. This way, the standstill times are only contained in the elapsed time of a ticket.
The calculation of the data must be made per order in the above mentioned order. The order, with which the orders are calculated, is determined by its position on the machine. Starting with the 1st order (whether in progress, released or scheduled) the calculations are made, one order after the other, since each one is based on the data of the previous order.