Generating maintenance, special or knitting order from template

When generating an order from an order template, only a selection of fields can be edited. This selection is determined during the generation of the template.

The created order has the status Unscheduled until it is assigned to a machine. At least the following information must be recorded:

Creating a knitting order from a template:

  1. You are signed in.
    Click the Orders button of the menu bar.
    Click the Scheduling tab.
    In the toolbar of the scheduling (2) select the button.
  1. The list with order templates appears.
  2. 4
    Select the desired order template.
  3. In the opening view appears a previously assigned order mask.
  4. 5
    Complete the order mask.
    Especially the edit boxes Order Name, Quantity of Run-throughs and Estimated Duration per Run-through [min].
    Recommendation: Fill out Productions ID, Earliest possible production start, Latest possible production end.
    Add additional tags for user queries clicking on Add additional tag.
    Enter the name of the field on the left side and a default value or an information on the right, or leave the field empty.
    Create the order with Save.
  1. The order is directly created in the system with the Unscheduled status and appears in the scheduling view.
    The order can be scheduled and produced on a machine.