Display / print order

Tickets can be printed from the STOLL PPS. With the help of a delivered printing template or a default template a printable ticket can be generated.

The Stoll PPS uses the following printer:

Manually trigger the printing of an order:

  1. You are signed in.
    Click the Orders button of the menu bar.
    Click the Scheduling tab.
    Search for new orders from the ERP in the order list at the very left.
    Optionally, use order filter options for this.
    Select the Details button in the toolbar of the Scheduling.
  1. A detail view for the selected order appears.
    In the detail view select the Print preview header.
  1. The print preview for the selected order appears.
    In the selection above the detail view the order ticket to be printed (if the order has more than one) can be selected. Printing the first currently shown ticket is the default setting. If you want to print them all, switch from Print current ticket to Print all tickets.
    In the appearing print preview select either the Print with default printer or the Print with machine printer button
  1. The order is printed on the desired printer. This can be part of a scheduled process in your company.