Retracting an order or orders from the scheduling

If orders are retracted, they change from Scheduled status to Unscheduled and their connection to the machine by tickets is cancelled.

  1. You are signed in.
    Select Orders from the menu bar.
    In the navigation bar select the Scheduling tab.
  1. The scheduling view appears.

    The orders are displayed in a list on the left (1).
    On the right is the machine list (3) with the scheduling timeline (4).
    Between both views there is the toolbar of the scheduling (2)
  2. 3
    Select one or more orders with the Scheduled status.
    Use the order filter options for this.
    Click the Retract button in the toolbar.
  1. The order or the orders have again the Unscheduled status.

: In the moment of withdrawing the planning, the system calculates the expected duration and completion of other affected orders on this machine.