User administration
In the administrative area, the STOLL PPS has a user management. System wide valid roles are assigned to the entered users to regulate the permissions for displaying and editing information in the system. The following data can be edited and saved for a user:
User image
Image of the user. -
User name (mandatory field)
The user name, with which the user has signed-in at the STOLL PPS. -
Last name (mandatory field)
The last name of the user. -
Name (mandatory field)
The name of the user. -
Roles (mandatory field)
The roles that the user has, when working with the STOLL PPS. -
Device user role
The role, which the user has on the machines. -
The machine group, which the user may access. -
The PIN, with which the user can sign-in on machines.: In case that the PIN was already used, you receive a warning since the user can not be identified uniquely.
: Not for OKC machines
The code of the RFID chip, with which the user can sign-in on machines -
: Connect RFID reader to the PPS client and read in the code of the RFID chip.
Internal phone
The internal phone number of the user. -
Mobile phone number
The mobile phone number of the user. -
The e-mail address of the user -
The e-mail address, via which SMS can be sent to the user (via provider gateway) -
The Skype name of the user.
Remark: You have to enter the country code of the telephone numbers in order to call by Skype. (e.g. use +497121313450 instead of 07121313450). Used in case of Skype as the only telephone program installed on the client. You need Skype credit in order to call by Skype.
The Password of the user can be edited by himself or an administrator.