Stoll-knit report® on the Knitting Machine
The Stoll operating systems of version CMS-TC >/= V_ST168.0_32_03.006.000 and OKC contain the machine-specific functions for the Stoll-knit report® 2 software. Starting with OKC 3.0 control and the operating system V_OKC_006.002.00_STOLL, Stoll-knit report® 3 is additionally supported. With the SKR3 mode, a machine can deliver its data to several SKR3 central units in parallel and additionally be connected to one SKR2 central unit.
- Event generation
Automatic events or events defined by the user are generated on the knitting machine and are provided for sampling by the SKR2 and SKR3 central unit (Event-Server) - Event administration
The events can be stored temporarily on the knitting machine for approx. four operating days (approx. 100 operating hours). During this period no events are lost if they cannot be fetched in time.
After approx. four days the event generation is switched off automatically and the used memory is released again. The data are deleted.
The Stoll-knit report® software has to be activated on the knitting machine in order for this function to be used.