Identification of the knitting machines in the network

In the network each knitting machine has an IP address that is set on the knitting machine. This IP address may only be assigned once in the network. Since this differentiation alone is not sufficient to keep the live database consistent, the Stoll-knit report® software uses a definite machine identification - the machine GUID (Global Unique ID). The Stoll-knit report® software recognizes a machine on the basis of these machines GUID - even if the IP address on the machine has been changed.

If a machine has been included in the machine list by means of the Machine management administrator program, the definite machine identification is displayed in the Machine administration window in the Definite machine identification column.

Each SKR3 central unit also has a unique identification - the SKR-3-GUID. When a machine has been included in an SKR3 combination, the SKR-3-GUID is stored on the machine. This allows a further SKR3 combination to determine whether a machine should be included that is already logged on at another SKR3 combination.

The following situations may arise (examples):


The machine is no longer found in the network. The data are stored temporarily on the machine for approx. four operating days.



Correct the IP address for this machine within these four days by using the Machine management program (Machine - administration window).



After the correction the machine data that were stored temporarily are called up by the SKR3 central unit. The data in the live database remain consistent.


The SKR3 central unit displays an error message because the software recognizes that two IP addresses have been exchanged. The data are stored temporarily on the machines for approx. four operating days.



Correct the IP addresses for these machines within these four days by using the Machine management program (Machine - administration window).



After the correction the machine data that were stored temporarily are called up correctly by the SKR3 central unit. The data in the live database remain consistent.


The data are stored temporarily on the knitting machine for approx. four operating days. When the computer on which the Stoll-knit report® software is installed functions again, then the machine data that were stored temporarily are called up by the SKR3 central unit.



Repair within four operating days.



The data in the database may be corrupt for a certain period before the failure.


The machine is recognized correctly after the repair.



The data in the database may be corrupt for a certain period before the failure.


The SKR3 central unit displays an error message because the machine GUID for this machine has changed.



Edit the IP address and activate the Transfer unique machine identification again check box.



The data are recorded in the live database until the machine fails. The data may be corrupt if the recording was not interrupted in a defined manner.
From the moment where the machine is activated with a new machine GUID, the data are recorded correctly again - however now with the new machine GUID.


The period between the failure and the repair is missing in the live database or may be corrupt.


The period between the failure and the repair is missing in the live database or may be corrupt.

The list of examples cannot be complete because not all the cases can be foreseen. The live database can then always contain gaps or corrupt sections if undefined states occur during operation.