Database architecture / Schemas in the SKR db
Schema skr
Contains the primary SKR database, where the PollClient enters the machine events. -
Schema report_01 … reoprt_03 , …
- For saving the secondary database tables during the development and for testing the evaluations.
- The tables can be read with the Postgres Admin-Tool.
- Customer applications should generate these tables as "Temporary tables", which cannot be assigned to any schema.
Temporary tables are more performant (cache behavior) and are automatically deleted when ending the session.
Schemas skrpps_02… skrpps_XX
Containing the UDF’s (User Defined Functions, called Stored Procedures as well). - In case that larger incompatible changes are made (after the delivery) to the UDF, a new skrpps_XX schema is generated.
- Stoll tries to keep old UDFs as far as possible available and functional via adjustments.
Schema skrpps_02
Contains the current UDFs described in this document