Evaluating the Event List
This evaluation lists all the machine events with additional information, as for example the currently loaded pattern, ticket IDs, most recent user, user status, shift, etc.
Call-up parameters
Udf: skrpps_02.eval_event_list(…)
Parameter | Type | Description |
__sSchema | text | Schema of the secondary database tables. When working with temporary tables, |
_sTable_Prefix | text, | Prefix of the secondary database tables |
_sLang | text | e.g. DE ; EN ; CN ; … |
_iStartId | bigint | Start ID (UID) of the output The data can be retrieved in blocks and this value marks the start UID value. If the value is smaller than an available UID value, the next higher is used. |
_iLimit | int | Number of data lines that are prepared |
_aFilterEvents | smallint[][2] | Filter via events to be output Examples:
_aFilterShift | integer[] | Filter by shift(s) Issue only shift 1 and 3 e.g: ARRAY[1,3] |
_aFilterUsername | text[] | Filter by users (knitter) Example: ARRAY[‚User_1,'User_3'] |
_aFilterPattern | text[] | Filter by patterns Example: ARRAY['S-kUuG01','P-Sjo9v3'] |
_aFilterSeq | text[] | Filter by sequences Example: ARRAY['SEQ-WNJhP3','SEQ-wMWzx2'] |
_aFilterTicketUid | bigint[][] | Filter by internal ticket UID Example: ARRAY[3374994314,3738720541] |
_aFilterTicketProductionId | text[] | Filter by ID production ticket Example: ARRAY['2E0Hl4-H8T803-cId-8','2E0Hl4-H8T803-cId-8'] |
_aFilterTicketProductionSub1Id | text[] | Filter by ticket production sub1ID Example: ARRAY['SubId_2','SubId_21'] |
_aFilterTicketProductionSub2Id | text[] | Filter by ticket production sub2ID Example: ARRAY['-'] |
_aFilterTicketCustomerId | text[] | Filter by ticket customer ID Example: ARRAY['cId-2','cId-4'] |
_aFilterTicketArticleid | text[] | Filter by ticket article ID Example: ARRAY['H8T803'] |
_aFilterUserState | Smallint[] | Filter by user state Example: ARRAY[4,3] |
_aFilterSintralState | Smallint[] | Filter by Sintral state Example: ARRAY[4,3] |
Column | Type | Content |
UID | bigint | UID from <prefix>_collected_filter_rows |
MC_ID | integer | SKR machine ID |
TIME_STAMP | timestamp without time zone | Time of the event |
EVENT_TYPE | smallint | Event type |
EVENT_ID | smallint | Event ID |
EVENT_TYPE_TXT | text | Event type as text |
EVENT_ID_TXT | text | Event ID as text |
EVENT_PARAM | text | Event parameter string |
TICKET_DATA | text | Ticket Data Current format: |
SEQ_PATTERN_NAME | text | Sequence and pattern name |
USER_STATE | smallint | User event state |
USER_STATE_TXT | text | User state as text (in case it is generated in the user_events table for the language created in _sLang) |
SINTRAL_STATE | smallint | Sintral State |
SHIFT_STATE | smallint | Current shift |
USER_NAME | smallint | Current user |
FLAG_SLOW | character(1) | Status "Slow course" possible values: ‘t‘ ; ‘f‘ ; ‘?‘ |
FLAG_LONGSTROKE | character(1) | Status "Extended stroke" possible values: ‘t‘ ; ‘f‘ ; ‘?‘ |
CARRIAGE_1 | character(1) | Status Carriage 1 (with tandem machines) possible values: ‘t‘ ; ‘f‘ ; ‘?‘ |
CARRIAGE_2 | character(1) | Status Carriage 2 (with tandem machines) possible values: ‘t‘ ; ‘f‘ ; ‘?‘ |
SLOWDOWN_SPEED | smallint | with "Creep speed mode ON" the speed in % ; |
Code example sample_event_list.sql
It is assumed that the evaluation auxiliary tables report_01.sample_xxxxxxxx are already generated.
Generating evaluation auxiliary tables (cursor run - UDF)
For a productive system, enter an empty field ‘‘ instead of report_01, schema. But it must be identical to that which was specified when generating the auxiliary tables.
select skrpps_02.skr_mcid2mcname( "MC_ID",'skr_archive'::cstring) AS "MC_NAME", * from skrpps_02.eval_event_list(
'report_01' -- _sSchema
,'sample' -- _sTable_Prefix
,'EN' -- _sLang
,0 -- _iStartId
,16000 -- _iLimit
,NULL --ARRAY[[2,NULL],[1,2],[NULL,3]]::smallint[][2] -- _aFilterEvents
,NULL --ARRAY[1,3] -- _aFilterShift
,NULL --ARRAY['User_1','USER_4'] -- _aFilterUsername
,NULL -- ARRAY['S-kUuG01','P-Sjo9v3'] -- _aFilterPattern
,NULL -- ARRAY['SEQ-WNJhP3','SEQ-wMWzx2'] -- _aFilterSeq
,NULL -- ARRAY[3374994314,3738720541] L -- _aFilterTicketUid
,NULL --,ARRAY['2E0Hl4-H8T803-cId-8','2E0Hl4-H8T803-cId-8'] -- _aFilterTicketProductionId
,NULL --,ARRAY['SubId_2','SubId_21'] -- _aFilterTicketProductionSub1Id
,NULL --,ARRAY['-'] -- _aFilterTicketProductionSub2Id
,NULL --,ARRAY['cId-2','cId-4'] -- _ aFilterTicketCustomerId
,NULL -- ARRAY['H8T803'] -- _ aFilterTicketArticleId
,NULL -- ARRAY[4,3] -- _ aFilterUserState
,NULL -- ARRAY[4,3] -- _aFilterSintralState