Evaluating Run/Stop Statistics
With this report, the times where the machine was running or at standstill can be determined according to a large variety of criteria. If …_STATE_COUNT and …_STATE_EVENT are identical, the corresponding time interval was registered completely in the specified evaluation time window..
If the _STATE_COUNT is larger, the beginning was previous to the evaluation time period. Generally these two columns are of less interest, except one want to register the duration starting with its first appearance.
Internally, this report is the basis for the graphical representation of the stop history and for the efficiency report.
- The result table contains over 60 columns. The evaluations over shorter time periods surely will be completely empty or contain only zeros.
These columns should not be displayed (dynamically).
The SHOCK_STATE_... columns only contain <> 0 data if a shock stop motion occurred in the evaluation time period.
Parameter | Type | Description |
__sSchema | text | Schema of the secondary database tables. When working with temporary tables, _sDestSchema immer == ‘‘ must always be true |
_sTable_Prefix | text, | Prefix of the secondary database tables |
_aSortorder | text[] | Sorting (Array of column names) Example. ARRAY['MC_SORT_ID','START_TIME'] |
_bGroupByMachine | boolean | Group by machine |
_bGroupByShift | boolean | Group by shift |
_bGroupByUserName | boolean | Group by user (at the machine) |
_bGroupByPattern | boolean | Group by pattern |
_bGroupBySeq | boolean | Group by sequence |
_bGroupByTicketUid | boolean | Group by ticket (PPS UID) |
_bGroupByTicketProductionId | boolean | Group by ticket production ID |
_bGroupByTicketProductionSub1Id | boolean | Group by ticket production sub ID 1 |
_bGroupByTicketProductionSub2Id | boolean | Group by ticket production sub ID 2 |
_bGroupByTicketCustomerId | boolean | Group by ticket customer ID |
_bGroupByTicketArticleId | boolean | Group by ticket article ID |
_bgroupbyday | boolean | Group by tags |
_bgroupbyweek | boolean | Group by weeks |
_bgroupbymonth | boolean | Group by months |
_aFilterShift | integer[] | Filter by shift(s) Example: Issue only shift 1 and 3: |
_aFilterUsername | text[] | Filter by users (knitter) Example: ARRAY[‚User_1,'User_3'] |
_aFilterPattern | text[] | Filter by sequences Example: ARRAY['S-kUuG01','P-Sjo9v3'] |
_aFilterSeq | text[] | Filter by sequences Example: ARRAY['SEQ-WNJhP3','SEQ-wMWzx2'] |
_aFilterTicketUid | bigint[][] | Filter by internal ticket UID Example: ARRAY[3374994314,3738720541] |
_aFilterTicketProductionId | text[] | Filter by ID production ticket Example: ARRAY['2E0Hl4-H8T803-cId-8','2E0Hl4-H8T803-cId-8'] |
_aFilterTicketProductionsub1Id | text[] | Filter by ticket production sub1ID Example: ARRAY['SubId_2','SubId_21'] |
_aFilterTicketProductionsub2Id | text[] | Filter by ticket production sub2ID Example: ARRAY['-'] |
_aFilterTicketCustomerId | text[] | Filter by ticket customer ID Example: ARRAY['cId-2','cId-4'] |
_aFilterTicketArticleid | text[] | Filter by ticket article ID Example: ARRAY['H8T803'] |
_aFilterUserState | Smallint[] | Filter by user state Example: ARRAY[4,3] |
_aFilterSintralState | Smallint[] | Filter by Sintral state Example: ARRAY[4,3] |
Column | Type | Content |
MC_ID | integer | SKR machine ID |
MC_SORT_ID | smallint | For alphabetical sorting by machine name (The machine name can be determined with the help of the MC_ID) |
SHIFT_STATE | smallint | Shift or NULL if _bGroupByShift == false |
USER_NAME | smallint | User or NULL if _bGroupByShift == false |
TICKET_CUSTOMER_ID | text | Ticket UID or NULL if _bGroupByTicketCustomerId == false |
TICKET_ARTICLE_ID | text | Ticket article ID or NULL if _bGroupByTicketArticleId == false |
TICKET_PRODUCTION_ID | text | Ticket production ID or NULL if _bGroupByTicketProductionId == false |
TICKET_PRODUCTION_SUB1_ID | text | Ticket production Sub1 ID or NULL if _bGroupByTicketProductionId == false |
TICKET_PRODUCTION_SUB2_ID | text | Ticket production Sub2 ID or NULL if *_bGroupByTicketProductionId == false |
SEQ_NAME | text | Sequence name or NULL if _bGroupBySeq == false |
PATTERN_NAME | text | Pattern name or NULL if _bGroupByPattern == false |
TICKET_UID | bigint | Ticket UID or NULL if _bGroupByTicketUId == false |
START_TIME | timestamp without time zone | Start time of the grouping |
END_TIME | timestamp without time zone | End time of the grouping |
OVERALL_DURATION | interval | Total duration of all states |
TIME_ADJUST | interval | Specifies the time adjustments at the machine during the evaluated time period, which were added up by the SKR. With unusual large times that are far beyond the precision of a quartz clock, you should determine the cause. Unusual causes can be defects of the real time clocks or incorrect manual changes of the time settings. To maintain these times small, ensure that the time zone setting of the machine is correct and that the machine is always connected with SKR. Via the EventList report (EventType 101, EventID 1), you can determine when larger time differences occurred. |
| ||
RUN -Status | Productive times | |
RUN _DURATION | interval | Duration of this state |
RUN_STATE_COUNT | integer | Number of time periods in this state |
RUN_EVENT_COUNT | integer | Number of state change events regarding this state |
| ||
STOP -Status | Stop Motions | |
STOP_DURATION | interval | Duration of this state |
STOP_STATE_COUNT | integer | Number of time periods in this state |
STOP_EVENT_COUNT | integer | Number of state change events regarding this state |
| ||
ENGAGING -Status | Stop motions by the user via the engaging rod | |
ENGAGING_DURATION | interval | Duration of this state |
ENGAGING_STATE_COUNT | integer | Number of time periods in this state |
ENGAGING_EVENT_COUNT | integer | Number of state change events regarding this state |
| ||
YARN_FEED -Status | Stop motions by the yarn control unit or lateral yarn tensioner | |
YARN_FEED_DURATION | interval | Duration of this state |
YARN_FEED_STATE_COUNT | integer | Number of time periods in this state |
YARN_FEED_EVENT_COUNT | integer | Number of state change events regarding this state |
| ||
PIECE_COUNTER_ZERO -Status | The piece counter is on zero | |
PIECE_COUNTER_ZERO_DURATION | interval | Duration of this state |
PIECE_COUNTER_ZERO_DURATION | integer | Number of time periods in this state |
PIECE_COUNTER_ZERO_DURATION | integer | Number of state change events regarding this state |
| ||
RESISTANCE -Status | Stop by resistance | |
RESISTANCE_DURATION | interval | Duration of this state |
RESISTANCE_STATE_COUNT | integer | Number of time periods in this state |
RESISTANCE_EVENT_COUNT | integer | Number of state change events regarding this state |
| ||
POSITION_NEEDLE_SENSOR -Status | Stop motions by position needle sensor | |
POSITION_NEEDLE_SENSOR_DURATION | interval | Duration of this state |
POSITION_NEEDLE_SENSOR_STATE_COUNT | integer | Number of time periods in this state |
POSITION_NEEDLE_SENSOR_EVENT_COUNT | integer | Number of state change events regarding this state |
| ||
TAKE_DOWN -Status | Stop motion by fabric take-down | |
TAKE_DOWN_DURATION | interval | Duration of this state |
TAKE_DOWN_STATE_COUNT | integer | Number of time periods in this state |
TAKE_DOWN_EVENT_COUNT | integer | Number of state change events regarding this state |
| ||
PROGRAMMING -Status | Times of pattern editing on the machine | |
PROGRAMMING_DURATION | interval | Duration of this state |
PROGRAMMING_STATE_COUNT | integer | Number of time periods in this state |
PROGRAMMING_EVENT_COUNT | integer | Number of state change events regarding this state |
| ||
OTHER -Status | Stop motions for other reasons | |
OTHER_DURATION | interval | Duration of this state |
OTHER_STATE_COUNT | integer | Number of time periods in this state |
OTHER_EVENT_COUNT | integer | Number of state change events regarding this state |
| ||
SHOCK -Status | Shock stop motions | |
SHOCK_DURATION | interval | Duration of this state |
SHOCK_STATE_COUNT | integer | Number of time periods in this state |
SHOCK_EVENT_COUNT | integer | Number of state change events regarding this state |
| ||
RACKING -Status | Racking Error | |
RACKING_DURATION | interval | Duration of this state |
RACKING_STATE_COUNT | integer | Number of time periods in this state |
RACKING_EVENT_COUNT | integer | Number of state change events regarding this state |
| ||
NODATA -Status
| States and events for which applies: Possible causes:
| |
NODATA_DURATION | interval | Duration of this state |
NODATA_STATE_COUNT | integer | Number of time periods in this state |
NODATA_EVENT_COUNT | integer | Number of state change events regarding this state |
| ||
OFF -Status | The machine is switched off | |
OFF_DURATION | interval | Duration of this state |
OFF_STATE_COUNT | integer | Number of time periods in this state |
OFF_EVENT_COUNT | integer | Number of state change events regarding this state |
| ||
BOOT -Status | Boot processes of the machine | |
BOOT_DURATION | interval | Duration of this state |
BOOT_STATE_COUNT | integer | Number of time periods in this state |
BOOT_EVENT_COUNT | integer | Number of state change events regarding this state |
| ||
MCSTATE_UNKNOWN -Status | States and events for which applies: Machine status is unknown by the SKR. Possible cause:
| |
MCSTATE_UNKNOWN_DURATION | interval | Duration of this state |
MCSTATE_UNKNOWN_STATE_COUNT | integer | Number of time periods in this state |
MCSTATE_UNKNOWN_EVENT_COUNT | integer | Number of state change events regarding this state |
| ||
[DEBUG_SRC_MIN_UID] | bigint | Debug info: Start time UID in <prefix>_collected_filter_rows |
Code example „sample_eval_stop_statistik.sql“
It is assumed that the evaluation auxiliary tables report_01.sample_xxxxxxxx are already generated.
Generating evaluation auxiliary tables (cursor run - UDF)
For a productive system, enter an empty field ‘‘ instead of report_01, schema. But it must be identical to that which was specified when generating the auxiliary tables.
select skrpps_02.skr_mcid2mcname( "MC_ID",'skr'::cstring) AS "MC_NAME"
,* from skrpps_02.eval_stop_statistic_ex
'report_01' -- Schema
,'sample' –-Prefix name of help tables
, NULL -- ARRAY['MC_SORT_ID','START_TIME DESC'] – Sorting according to…
,true -- GroupBy Machine ?
,false -- GroupBy Shift ?
,false -- GroupBy UserName
,true -- GroupBy Pattern ?
,false -- GroupBy Sequence
,false -- GroupBy "TICKET_UID" bigint,
,false -- GroupBy "TICKET_PRODUCTION_ID" text,
,false -- GroupBy "TICKET_PRODUCTION_SUB1_ID" text,
,false -- GroupBy "TICKET_PRODUCTION_SUB2_ID" text,
,false -- GroupBy "TICKET_CUSTOMER_ID" text,
,false -- GroupBy "TICKET_ARTICLE_ID" text,
,false -- GroupBy "Day" text,
,false -- GroupBy "Week" text,
,false -- GroupBy "Month" text,
,NULL -- ARRAY[2,3] -- Filter by shift
,NULL -- ARRAY['User_3','User_4'] -- Selection/Filter UserName
,NULL -- ARRAY['S-kUuG0','P-Sjo9v3'] -- Selection/Filter Pattern
,NULL -- ARRAY['SEQ-WNJhP3','SEQ-9bEqD1'] -- Selection/Filter Sequence
,NULL -- ARRAY[3374994314,3738720541] -- Selection/Filter FilterTicketUid bigint[]
,NULL -- ARRAY['2E0Hl4-H8T803-cId-8','2E0Hl4-H8T803-cId-8'] -- Selection/Filter FilterTicketProductionId text[]
,NULL -- ARRAY['SubId_2','SubId_21'] -- Selection/Filter FilterTicketProductionSub1Id text[]
,NULL -- ARRAY['-'] -- Selection/Filter FilterTicketProductionSub2Id text[]
,NULL -- ARRAY['cId-2','cId-4'] -- Selection/Filter FilterTicketCustomerId text[]
,NULL -- ARRAY['H8T803'] -- Selection/Filter FilterTicketArticleId text[]
,NULL -- ARRAY[4,3] -- Selection/Filter UserState
,NULL -- ARRAY[4,3] -- Selection/Filter SintralState