How to perform database queries for automation purposes
In order to increase the automation, it is possible to carry out queries about order distribution, capacity load, state of processing, quantity of pieces and setup state in the PPS database with the corresponding criteria.
For this, you can address Select queries to the PPS database.
In the following examples, the value assigned to d.uid is the UID of the machine.
To determine the UID out of the machine network name, you can use conversion functions or the skrpps_02.skr_get_mc_list function.
See: Different help functions for further performance optimized options.
SELECT "BO_GUID" from skrpps_02.skr_get_mc_list('skr') where "MC_NAME"='McNetworkName';
The query provides you the UID of the machine, if you enter the network name of your machine for McNetworkName
From the PPS database you can determine:
- Quantity of orders
- orders still to be done, that are already assigned to the machines (APPROVED)
- currently in progress (IN_PROGRESS)
- currently in an activity (printing) (IN_ACTIVITY)
- SQL query:
SELECT count(t) FROM ticket t JOIN device d on t.device_id = WHERE t.state in ('APPROVED', 'IN_PROGRESS', 'IN_ACTIVITY') AND d.uid='56665454'
- Note:
If you replacecount(t)
, you receive a table with information regarding the tickets and the machine.
This way, you can determine for ex. the names of the tickets or the state of completion, of the machine. - If you only want to know how many tickets are already in the ToDo state.
Therefore, replace …t.state in (…)
by …t.state='APPROVED'
. - Instead of
you can also'McNetworkName'
, to avoid determining the UID.
But bear in mind that only the UID is unique. The network name can change. When you add the machine to the SKR again, the SKRID changes as well. - Time, until the machine will have processed all orders.
It is possible to determine, how long the machine will be busy processing the released orders. The basis for the calculation is the time per piece specified in the order and the shift efficiency set up as well as the value established in STOLL:PRODUCTION_EFFICIENCY tag, if it is being used. For orders with many pieces in progress an extrapolation towards the completion is performed. And with each piece the extrapolation approaches the real end time.
SQL query:SELECT max(t.endDate) FROM Ticket t JOIN Device d on t.device_id = WHERE t.state in ('APPROVED','IN_PROGRESS', 'IN_ACTIVITY') AND d.uid='56665454'
- When an order was completed?
For the query about the pps database, you have to know your order name (ordernumber) to identify the order (a).
Recommendation: Set the PRODUCTION_ID (productionid) in the order and identify the order with it (b).
The queries provide the information about when an order was completed. -
(a) SELECT aggregatedenddate FROM orders o WHERE state='DONE' AND ordernumber='ADF530-32W_REFLEX_30_08-20220503-093844'
(b) SELECT aggregatedenddate FROM orders o WHERE state='DONE' AND productionid='20220503-093844'
- When a ticket was completed?
In case an order is split and you want to determine when a ticket was completed, you have to carry out another query using the pps database. You should also know your order name here (ordernumber) to identify the order (a). Recommendation: Set the PRODUCTION_ID (productionid
) in the order and identify the order with it (b).
The queries provide the information about when the last ticket from a split order was completed. -
(a) SELECT max(t.finished) FROM ticket t JOIN orders o on t.ppsproductionuid=o.productionuid WHERE t.state in ('DONE') AND o.ordernumber='ADF530-32W_REFLEX_30_08-20220503-093844'
(b) SELECT max(t.finished) FROM ticket t JOIN orders o on t.ppsproductionuid=o.productionuid WHERE t.state in ('DONE') AND productionid='20220503-093844'
- Which machine knitted the last piece?
- With the changeover to the Postgres database version ≥14, the PPS and the SKR database are merged to simplify the queries across databases.
(a) SELECT max(t.finished), skrpps_02.agg_at_min (extract(epoch from t.finished)::bigint, FROM ticket t JOIN orders o on t.ppsproductionuid=o.productionuid JOIN device d on WHERE t.state in ('DONE') AND o.ordernumber='ADF530-32W_REFLEX_30_08-20220503-093844'
- When has a specific machine completed the last ticket of a split order (ordernumber)?
- The machine is filtered using their UID (d.uid).
Other indications such as network name (, MAC (d.macaddress) or IP (d.ipaddress) are also possible. -
SELECT max(t.finished) FROM ticket t JOIN orders o on t.ppsproductionuid=o.productionuid JOIN device d on WHERE t.state in ('DONE') AND d.uid='56665454' AND ordernumber='ADF530-32W_REFLEX_30_08-20220503-093844'
- How many pieces were produced?
- With a known order name
SELECT sum(t.executionsdone) FROM ticket t JOIN orders o on t.ppsproductionuid=o.productionuid WHERE ordernumber='ADF530-32W_REFLEX_30_08-20220503-093844'
- With a known PRODUCTION_ID which was indicated in the ticket
SELECT sum(t.executionsdone) FROM ticket t JOIN orders o on t.ppsproductionuid=o.productionuid WHERE productionid= '20220503-093844'
- Starting from scheduling
- When does an order start and end?
- What is the state of the order?
- How many pieces are produced?
- Which machines are involved?
- With known ProductionID
SELECT o.aggregatedstartdate, o.aggregatedenddate, o.state, sum(t.executionsdone) OVER (PARTITION BY o.aggregatedstartdate) AS aggregatedexecutionsdone, d.uid
FROM public.orders o
JOIN public.ticket t on o.productionuid=t.ppsproductionuid
JOIN public.device d on
WHERE o.productionid='20220503-093844' AND o.state in ('PLANNED', 'APPROVED','IN_PROGRESS', 'IN_ACTIVITY', 'DONE');
- Query further data by appending to d.uid:
,, o.ordernumber, o.articlenumber, o.productionid, o.productionsub1id, o.productionsub2id, o.customerid, o.totalnumberofexecutions, o.orderdescription, o.patternfilename, o.patternsubdirectory, o.productionuid, o.originalnumberofexecutions, o.state, o.delay
- Setup state of the machine
- Via the PPS it is possible to distribute a setup order onto the machines.
The ticket template AutoProduction already contains two fields and to enter it.
A tag that defines a setup state can be used in the ticket. Several setup states can be defined if the setup state is appropriate for several fabrics. The setup state can also be determined with a knitting ticket if no setup orders are to be used. - The setup state is determined via this tag:
<STOLL:SETUP Level="F46r548"/>
<STOLL:SETUP Level="F15r773"/>
</STOLL:REQUIRED_SETUP_LEVELS> - If such a ticket is set in production at the machine or is completed, machines with the
setup state can be detected.
SQL query of the pps database:SELECT, d.uid, l.value from loopthroughitementry l JOIN orders_loopthroughitementry ol on = ol.loopthroughitems_id JOIN Orders o ON = ol.orders_id
JOIN Ticket t on t.order_id =
JOIN Device d on t.device_id = where
key='REQUIRED_SETUP_LEVELS' and l.value like '%"F46r548"%';
Query via a batch file, when a machine completes all the tickets
In the following example is queried the time, when the machine with a specific UID is done with all the tickets.
Copy the code into a batch file, set the Machine_UID variable to a value of one of your machines and execute the code with administrator rights. In the DONE_TIME variable, you receive the result of the query.
@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set "PgLatestRootPath=C:\Program Files\Stoll\skr3\PostgreSql\9.5.5-1\bin"
set "PgRootPath=!PgLatestRootPath!"
if not exist "!PgRootPath!" Set "PgRootPath=C:\Program Files\Stoll\skr3\PostgreSql\9.5.3-1\bin"
set "Machine_UID=56665454"
call :GetDoneTime !Machine_UID! DONE_TIME
echo DONE_TIME=!DONE_TIME!, ErrorLevel=!ErrorLevel!
goto :EOF
call :UndefErrorLevel
set "MC_UID=%~1"
set "ReturnDoneTimeValueRef=%~2"
set "DataVal=NULL"
set "PGPASSWORD=ppsfrontend"
set pd_SelCmd=SELECT max(t.endDate) FROM Ticket t JOIN Device d on t.device_id = WHERE t.state in ('APPROVED','IN_PROGRESS', 'IN_ACTIVITY') AND d.uid='!MC_UID!';
set pg_SelCall="!PgRootPath!\psql" -U ppsfrontend -h localhost -d pps
set pg_cmd="echo !pd_SelCmd! | !pg_SelCall! || echo/ & echo/ & call echo NULL NULL %%^^^errorlevel%%"
set "pg_cmd=!pg_cmd:)=^)!"
REM Execute PG command and split up table at | and space. Resulting DataValue obtained from second column.
REM Check for errors of call
for /f "skip=2 tokens=1,2,3" %%i in ('!pg_cmd!') do (
REM Get value in first and second parameter from split - which is from third row
set "DataVal=%%i %%j"
REM If error happend, report it. Error code is obtained in 3rd parameter.
if "!DataVal!"=="NULL NULL" (
echo ## Postgres DB operation failed with ERROR: %%~k
set "DataVal=NULL"
) else (
REM Check if not valid
if "!DataVal:~0,1!"=="(" set "DataVal=NULL"
goto GotDoneTime
if not '!ReturnDoneTimeValueRef!'=='' set "!ReturnDoneTimeValueRef!=!DataVal!"
if "!DataVal!"=="NULL" set "ERRORLEVEL=1" & exit /b 1
exit /b 0
REM Undefine ERRORLEVEL, otherwise !ERRORLEVEL! keeps last set value. The ERRORLEVEL system value is not the same as !ERRORLEVEL!
exit /b 0
Output example:
DONE_TIME=2017-07-18 13:57:33.818, ErrorLevel=0
Query specific standstill times:
Standstill times with the following data:
- Machines in case of a failure
- Other standstills
- Total running time
- Machines with SKR-ID
- Time period
2018-08-26 12:00
to2018-09-01 12:00
This information can be determined via individualized stop statistics.
Generating a Secondary DB and triggering an individualized report.
Testing is possible with the pgAdmin Tool, however not with temporary tables which are automatically deleted. In the example, the mydb table is used, which must be deleted again in the report_01 schema after finishing the test.
- 1095
- Create Secondary DB tables.
SELECT * FROM skrpps_02.skr_create_secundary_db_tables('report_01'::text ,'mydb'::text,'eUnlogged'::skrpps_02.e_sec_tabletype ,'skr'::text,ARRAY[1457359086, 1457359088],'2018-08-26 12:00'::timestamp,'2018-09-01 12:00'::timestamp,'999999','999'::interval);
- 1096
- Generate individual stop statistics.
- Add or subtract columns with arithmetic operations to obtain the desired result.
- Additionally the result columns receive their own names (
). - The table is sorted ascending via the first column (name of the machine).
SELECT skrpps_02.skr_mcid2mcname( "AGG_MC_ID",'skr') AS "AGG_MC_NAME"
, "AGG_MC_ID",
FROM skrpps_02.eval_stop_statistic
'report_01' -- __sSchema text
,'mydb' -- _sTable_Prefix text
,Array['AGG_MC_ID'] -- _aSortorder text[]
,true -- _bGroupByMachine boolean
,false -- _bGroupByShift boolean
,false -- _bGroupByUserName boolean
,false -- _bGroupByPattern boolean
,false -- _bGroupBySeq boolean
,false -- _bGroupByTicketUid boolean
,false -- _bGroupByTicketProductionId boolean
,false -- _bGroupByTicketProductionSub1Id boolean
,false -- _bGroupByTicketProductionSub2Id boolean
,false -- _bGroupByTicketCustomerId boolean
,false -- _bGroupByTicketArticleId boolean
,NULL -- _aFilterShift integer[]
,NULL -- _aFilterUsername text[]
,NULL -- _aFilterPattern text[]
,NULL -- _aFilterSeq text[]
,NULL -- _aFilterTicketUid bigint[]
,NULL -- _aFilterTicketProductionId text[]
,NULL -- _aFilterTicketProductionsub1Id text[]
,NULL -- _aFilterTicketProductionsub2Id text[]
,NULL -- _aFilterTicketCustomerId text[]
,NULL -- _aFilterTicketArticleid text[]
,NULL -- _aFilterUserState Smallint[]
,NULL -- _aFilterSintralState Smallint[]
) where "OVERALL_DURATION" <> "NO_DATA_DURATION" order by 1 asc
With the delivered Excel program (StollReportFromSkrToExcel.xlsb) you can easily configure the basic filter settings and copy the select query.
How to Access the Database via ODBC

Example result of the query
How to add an order directly to the database without generating a XML file
Instead of writing the order data into a XML file and saving it in the D:\ERP\Input folder, you can insert the order directly in the ticket_queue using a database connection to the pps database.
The following insert adds an order with minimal data record for the auto production to the ticket_queue. It is intended for reloading a Jacquard in case of a individual production with lot size 1. Other order variants are possible as well.
Using the example Excel file D:\PPS\ODBC_Examples\Excel\StollPpsTicketExportViaODBC.xlsm, you can develop further applications.
For this is necessary a ODBC connection to the pps and the skr database.
The knitting time (estimated_order_duration) is transferred in milliseconds.
Therefore, 20 min are to be entered as 20*60*1000=1200000
INSERT INTO "ticket_queue" (
custom_xml, machine_list_xml,
Values (
'<STOLL:CUSTOM xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=" CustomTicket.xsd"/>',
<STOLL:MACHINE Name="312_ADF-3KW" BoIgnore="1" Pieces="1"/>
'Ticket created by Sapas',
<STOLL:ERASE_ALL State="false"/>
Determine the pieces produced with the still running ticket based production
You want to determine, how many pieces of the running production were already produced on the machines?
Querying the PPS database as follows, you receive information about the production.
- how many pieces
- from how many machines
- on which machines
- which ticket
- which order
- how many unfinished tickets
SELECT AS device_name, executionsdone, numberofexecutions, AS ticket_name, ordernumber AS order_name, patternfilename FROM Ticket t JOIN Device d on JOIN Orders o ON = t.order_id WHERE o.type in ('GENERAL','AUTO_PRODUCTION', 'GUIDED_PRODUCTION') and t.state ='IN_PROGRESS' order by order_name