Accesses to Drive Shares
If no server operating system is used, the number of file accesses to shared drives via the network within a given time period is limited. Windows 7 allows about 20 accesses in 15 min. Further accesses are only possible at the end of this period. In practice with more 30-40 machines, you will get an error message from time to time when trying to access a file.
To reduce the problem, the installer carries out this setting:
net config server /autodisconnect:1
This setting causes an access to be released again after one minute.
With this the probability of stopping the access problems increases clearly.
Possible Improvements
- File accesses via the FTP server integrated in PPS
If you decide to use the FTP of the PPS, you must direct all the file accesses to the FTP. - Usage of a server operating system
- Obtaining files from another server
Without limitation, e.g. Linux ser or Windows Server OS - Additional files for the ticket views can also be provided via the SNS server under the C:\Program Files (x86)\Apache Group\Apache2\htdocs\PpsDocs\CustomerWeb path and be referenced in the tickets for example per http://MyPpsSvr/PpsDocs/CustomerWeb/Images/MyImage.png. The restriction is eliminated here as well.