Error in Take-down System

The overview image helps you to quickly localize and remedy the error.

You see the complete take-down system of the machine, consisting of auxiliary take-down, main take-down and comb.

Depending on the machine type, the equipment of the machine may differ.

Example: Machine with auxiliary take-down, main take-down and take-down comb
Example: Machine with auxiliary take-down, main take-down and take-down comb


Error Message
This is an important note for the source of defect.


Error location
This shows you where you must search for the error.


The possible actions.
The actions can also be performed several times.


Once you have repaired the error you acknowledge the remedy - the production process can be continued.

TroubleShootingTakeDownUnit Error in Take-down System

AuxTakeDown Auxiliary Take-down

Common_MainTakeDown Main Take-down

Common_Comb Comb

Open Open

Close Close

TurnBackward Turn Back

TurnForward Turn Forward

Intervene_CombDown Comb Downwards

CombPositionType_Grip Catch Comb Thread

Dialog_Accept Confirm