Total yarn demand of an order
Edit Yarn Demand
You can also display the aggregated total yarn demand of an order as print preview.
The yarn demand and the quantity of bobbins results of:
- The yarn demand of the single fabric pieces
- The quantity of fabric pieces to be produced
- The quantity of bobbins for each individual yarn on the individual machines
- the total number of machines on which the order is produced
- The total demand of every individual yarn will be calculated as product of the total quantity of fabric pieces by the yarn weight necessary for each fabric piece.
Yarn demand in kg=
yarn demand of the individual fabric piecex (
quantity of the individual fabric pieces of the orderx
total quantity of the order)
- The total quantity of bobbins required per yarn is the product of the probably required quantity of bobbins of this yarn and the total quantity of machines involved in the order.
Total quantity of bobbins per yarn=
Bobbins per yarn on each single machinex
quantity of machines of the order
Watch out:
- The quantity of necessary bobbins is only a guideline that may differ from the actual demands.
- No statement is made here about the amount of yarn of the individual bobbins.
- This overview can be printed as routing slip via the default printer.
Printer management