How to Backup the PPS Database

With the SKR3 software, the PPS Server Suite installs also a tool to setup the automatic live backup. You start the tool via the context menu of the green administration icon (Skr Tray Icon) in the right area of the status bar of Windows.

Starting the backup setup program
Starting the backup setup program

As an alternative, you can start the program also via Windows start button\All Programs\Stoll PPS\Data Backup Administration.

As the program needs administration permissions you will be asked by Windows whether you want to grant them. Please, confirm the prompt with Yes.

The Live Backup backups the complete PPS database in the background and permanently completes the Backup with the current changes during the day.
The database contains all the data of PPS:

How to setup the backup service:

    Generate a directory on a external data medium, which is not integrated in the PPS server PC.
    Accessible via the network or via an USB3.0 port.
    Configure the security setting for this folder and give the local _Skr2DbUser user read and write permissions for this folder.
    Open the context menu of this folder in the explorer.
    Open the Properties dialog box.
    Open the Safety tab.
    Click on Edit button then Add and enter _Skr2DbUser.
    In the following dialog box check mark Change for Permissions and confirm all windows with OK.
    Ensure that this drive is available around the clock.
    Setup a _Skr2DbUser user in the domain or on the backup server with the password that you have specified during the PPS\SKR3 installation.
    Default is Yaq#12345
    Open the context menu of this folder in the explorer.
    Select Share with...\Specific Persons.
    Enter _Skr2DbUser above in the edit box and click on Add.
  1. In the window below appears the entry _Skr2DbUser.
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    In the Permission level column replace the Read entry with Read/Write and then click on Share.
    Proceed the same way to setup the read permission for the user that is logged on to the PPS server PC. Otherwise, in the Restore backup it will not be possible to see the current state of the backup or to list the directory, for ex., via the folder-search-button ... .

In general you have to confirm the error message with Cancel.

    Re-apply the settings via Apply settings after the correction of the permission. Use OK only if you assume that the program was not able to determine correctly the permission.
  1. The backup folder is generated and provided with permissions .
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    Enter the directory in the Backup directory field or find it via the folder search button ....
    Mark the Activate live backup service checkbox.
    After changes that were not applied, a note will appear at the bottom: Changes unapplied. Click „Apply settings“ button to apply!.
    Click the Apply settings button.
  1. The program checks whether it has write permission for the specified folder and displays a message in case it is missing.
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    Check the permission for the folder, otherwise no backup will be carried out.
  1. The backup service will generate a backup immediately.