Error in Take-down System
The overview image helps you to quickly localize and remedy the error.
You see the complete take-down system of the machine, consisting of auxiliary take-down, main take-down and comb.
Depending on the machine type, the equipment of the machine may differ.

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Error Message |
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Error location |
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The possible actions. |
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Once you have repaired the error you acknowledge the remedy - the production process can be continued. |
TroubleShootingTakeDownUnit Elimina l'errore nel sistema di tirapezza
AuxTakeDown Tirapezza ausiliario
Common_MainTakeDown Tirapezza principale
Common_Comb Pettine
Open Apri
Close Chiudi
TurnBackward Ruota all'indietro
TurnForward Ruota in avanti
Intervene_CombDown Pettine in basso
CombPositionType_Grip Afferra filo pettine
Dialog_Accept Conferma