Stitch cam settings (CMS 730 S, CMS 830 S)

Stitch cam position second stitch tension n (1-100) is set to stitch tension m, e.g. NPS1=-2.0
The stitch cam value for the second stitch tension is specified relatively to the "normal" stitch tension.
Value range: -8.00 till 0.0. Standard 0.0. Step width: 0.1


Indirect specification of the stitch cam position second tension for all systems (x= front, y= rear) x, y= 1-100

Direct command
Correction for all stitch cams for the second stitch tension

Minimum value: -2
Maximum value: 2
Step width: 0.05


Indirect specification of stitch tension (n, m = 1-100, J1-J8) and of the stitch tension second tension (x, y = 1-100)


Direct specification of stitch tension and the stitch tension second tension.
Symbol A knits with tension "8.5".
Symbol B knits with second stitch tension "6.5" (8.5-2.0=6.5).
(Note: The stitch cam value for the second stitch tension is specified relatively to the "normal" stitch tension.)

Set stitch cam position Reclaiming n (1-100) to stitch tension m, e.g. PNP1=-2.0
The stitch cam value for reclaiming is specified relatively to the "normal" stitch tension.
If the reclaiming and the second stitch tension are used in the same knitting system, then the reclaiming will be indicated relatively to the second stitch tension.
Value range: equal to NP values. Standard 0.0. Step width: 0.1
{-} = deactivate reclaiming


Indirect indication of the stitch cam position reclaiming for all systems (x= front, y= rear) x, y= 1-100


Indirect indication of stitch tension reclaiming (n, m = 1-100)


Direct indication of the stitch tension reclaiming