Additional commands for machines with comb take-down

=W= ¹

Open Main Take-down

=C= ¹

Close the main take-down

=WC( n )=

Releasing the fabric.
The carriage stops in the reversion, the main take-down opens and closes. During the waiting time of n seconds the fabric is tensioned again.
n = 0 to 20 seconds.

=%= ¹

Close comb brake

=^= ¹

Comb upward, pick up comb thread and take it off downward

=^( n )=

Comb upward, pick up comb thread and take it off downward, delivering position (comb take-down/fabric take-down) by n millimeters higher (0...-22) or lower (0...25) than standard setting.
For the CMS 730 S, the delivering position can only be set deeper.


Comb upward, pick up comb thread and take it off downward.

  • Delivering position (comb take-down - fabric take-down) by n millimeters higher (0...-22) or lower (0...25) than default setting.
  • The value (m) reduces the speed of the main take-down during the delivery of the fabric to the set percent value (50 to 100%).
  • Example =^(25.75)=
    • The delivering position (comb-main take-down) will be set to 25 mm lower.
    • The speed of the main take-down is reduced to 75% during the delivery of the fabric.

=-= ¹

Comb moves into waiting position

=S= ¹

Comb moves onto upper limit switch (for adjustment only)

=0= ¹

Opening of the comb hooks, comb moves to the lower limit switch.

=H= ¹

Opening of the comb hook, comb stops

WMK+C= n ¹

Monitoring of the comb. If the comb has not moved after n (0-100) knitting rows, the machine will stop. (0=control off) (n=number or counter)


Change the comb take-down value by n percent. The value is only active till the fabric is taken down by the main take-down.
Value range: -80…0…80

¹ Command also possible in Direct commands window