Knitters Workspace - Produce Order
The ေအာ္ဒါ ထုတ္ရန္ menu is intended for the knitter (operator) by default. He can access only this area, all the other areas of the main navigation are locked for him.
Menu ေအာ္ဒါ ထုတ္ရန္ | |
Submenu ထုတ္လုပ္မႈကို ေစာင့္ၾကည့္ပါ (default setting) | |
If the knitter wants see the work progress of the entire order, he selects the ေအာ္ဒါ ႀကီးၾကပ္ရန္ submenu. | |
If smaller work steps or interventions are necessary, the knitter changes to the submenu မန္န်ူရယ္ ေျဖရွင္းျခင္း 1 or မန္န်ူရယ္ ေျဖရွင္းျခင္း 2.