Correction of NP groups

Up to now:
If a lot of NP values are used in one pattern, and for example the yarn properties are being modified, then the NP values are to be adjusted. The correction of the stitch length takes some time as each individual NP value must be modified manually.

Correction of NP groups.
If you change the correction value of a group, all NP values of this group will be modified automatically.
(NP value + NP group correction = effective NP value)


You can set the NP group corrections in the Setup Editor ("Stitch Length" menu -> "NPGK" tab).

Table for NPGK and MC-NPGK

The specifications concerning the NP groups appear here.



Designation of the NP group


Correction values for the NP group (NPGK)

  • This specification will be saved to the Setup file.


Display which NP values belong to the group


Machine-specific correction values for the NP group (MC-NPGK)

  • This specification is available until you delete it.
  • You can see and edit this specification the NP tab as well.
  • This specification will not be saved to the Setup file.

Table for NP

The specifications concerning an individual NP value appear here.



Display of the different correction values


This is the effective NP value used by the machine.

This NP value is the sum of all corrections of this table row.


Protects the NP value, corrections do not modify this NP value


Special case
NP value is not assigned to a group (group 0), therefore the table cells for NP corrections are empty.

We recommend a clear distinction between "pattern set up" and "production", as you may easily lose track of which NP value effectively works on the machine.

For doing this, proceed as follows:

If you work with group corrections, the "NP" tab will be extended by the "MC-NPGK" section.

If further machine-specific corrections are necessary, you can do the corrections in this tab as well.

What else you should know:

A second way to delete the correction values: