
Pattern name



1x1 Rib

Machine Type

BMS 52

Operating mode of the machine

  • Usage of RS17
    • First fabric piece with comb function and clamping / cutting
    • Following fabric pieces without comb function and clamping / cutting
    • Last fabric piece with piece counter =0 is cast-off
  • with Sintral command RS17=1 IF #100=1 RS17=0

Pattern description

  • 4x4_cable crossed over to the left and to the right
  • with rib structure
  • different colors as stripes

Pattern Parameters

  • Stitch Length (NP)
  • Cycle Counters (RS)
  • Fabric Take-down (WBF)
  • Yarn Carriers (YDopt)
  • Racking Correction (VCI)

Fabric view and stitch line of the cable cross-over 4x4:

Cable cross-over 4x4 <

Cable cross-over 4x4 >

: The stitches on the left and on the right next to the cable are called 'environment'. If these stitches are on the rear needle bed (= reverse jersey stitches), they are transferred to the front before the cable cross-over (transfer environment) and after the cross-over they are transferred again to the rear. This way, these stitches are not 'racked' with the racking. The stitch quality is retained.

Racking Correction

The racking specifications existing in the cable cross-overs have racking indices (VCI). In case of large racking courses this is necessary to increase the running reliability.