Speed specifications


Machine at low speed (one row)


Machine at low speed (up to ML0 = normal speed)


The machine runs at specified speed

MSEC=n.nn ¹

Carriage speed n.nn metre per second, e.g. MSEC=1.20


Indirect carriage speed (m=2-9)

MSECm=n.nn ¹

Positions the indirect carriage speed m (0-9) on the value n.nn
0 = Speed with empty rows ("S0") (n.nn=0.05 - 1.4; 0.00= switch off)
1 = Speed for transfer rows (n.nn=0.05 - 1.2; 0.00=switch off)
2...9 = Speed for knitting rows (n.nn=0.05 -1.2)
Starting with Setup2: 2...20 = Speed for knitting rows (n.nn=0.05 -1.2)

MSECK=n,m ¹

Carriage speed n (0.05 - 1.2) for small knots over m rows (0 - 99), default: 1 row with ML

MSECI= n ¹

Carriage speed n (0.05 - 1.0) for Intarsia yarn carriers
CMS-C: n (0.05 - 0.7)
CMS-ADF: Command will not be taken into account. Specification MSEC is valid.


Carriage speed n (0.05 -1.2) for NPJ

MSECC=n.nn ¹

Carriage speed outside of the needle bed when the yarn carrier is brought into the clamp or taken out of the clamp.
(n.nn=0.05 - 0.5)
0.00 = default = 0.50 (CMS-C: 0.30)

¹ Command also possible in Direct commands window