Setting: Cycle Counters

Use of cycle counters

Behavior of cycle counters

Result: The pattern cannot be influenced regarding the length.

Result: The pattern can be changed regarding the length in the areas with defined cycle counters.

Call up and change used cycle counters in the Setup Editor

  1. You are signed in as Senior Operator .
  2. The knitting program is loaded and the production was started.
    Select Prepare Machine in the bottom navigation bar and for changing the cycle counters, open the window with the Setup Editor / Cycle counter button.
    -  or  -
    select the Set-up pattern window and for changing the cycle counters, open the window with the button.
    Change the desired values.


List of all the used cycle counters (RSn)

n = 1-39


Repetition factor

m = 1-9999


Designation of the cycle counter



    With the Close button exit the Setup Editor.
  1. Changed values in the Setup are saved together with the pattern when saving.