Changes in version 1.4
The most important changes in this version:
- Command MSECC=n.nn:
Carriage speed outside the needle bed when the yarn carrier is brought in the clamp or taken out of the clamp. (Chapter Speed specifications) - Command =WC(n)=: Releasing the fabric.
Up to now: The waiting time is the opening time of the take-down.
New: The waiting time is the time of the carriage standstill. During the waiting time, the fabric is re-tensioned. (Chapter Additional commands for machines with comb take-down) - Command =^=(n): The value range has been modified.
Up to now: The delivering position (comb take-down - fabric take-down) is n (0-25) millimeters lower than the standard setting.
New: The delivering position can be set higher by n millimeters (0...-22) or deeper (0...25) than the standard setting.
For the CMS 730 S, the delivering position can only be set deeper. (Chapter Additional commands for machines with comb take-down)