Fabric Take-down


Fabric take-down value is 0, no fabric take-down impulse for this row

WM=n ¹

Fabric take-down value = n (0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3-31.5) (n=number or counter)

WMI=n ¹

Fabric take-down impulse n (0-15)

WM%=n ¹

Fabric take-down value +/-n% (1-80), e.g. WM%=+20, WM%=-30, WM%=#88

WMN=n ¹

Fabric take-down value is changed according to the quantity of needles n (number or counter) working

WMN=0 ¹

Erases the WMN command

WMCn ¹

Set the speed control of the active take-down system (main take-down or comb take-down) to the value n (0-32). If the take-down system turns too quickly, the machine is stopped.
0= no stop motion, 1= insensitive, 32= very sensitive

WM+C=n ¹

Monitoring of main take-down. If the take-down has not been used after n (0-100) knitting rows, the machine will stop. (0=control off) (n=number or counter)


Call up fabric take-down function n (n=1-50)
0 = End function call, default values are active

¹ Command also possible in Direct commands window