Adjusting Shape Counters

During fully fashion knitting the fabric selvedges are controlled by the shape counters.

Counters for single-piece knitting

Shape counter

Counters for the start-width

You can use up to 4 shape counters.


Selvedge counter left



Selvedge counter right



Selvedge counter middle left



Selvedge counter middle right


Counters for two-piece knitting

Shape counter

Counters for the start-width

You can use up to 8 shape counters.


Left piece: Selvedge counter left



Left piece: Selvedge counter right



Left piece: Selvedge counter middle left



Left piece: Selvedge counter middle right



Right piece: Selvedge counter left



Right piece: Selvedge counter right



Right piece: Selvedge counter middle left



Right piece: Selvedge counter middle right
