Philosophy of the user interface

When developing the user interface, the following points were important to us:

Task oriented structure

The multiple work steps - from setting up the pattern and the production to the network settings - were analyzed and grouped into the following main areas:

  • Настройки Задание
  • Текущо Задание
  • Обслужване Машина
  • Конфигуриране Машина
  • Преглед Данни

Each area is assigned to a specific user group. Generally, each user group works just in its own area, all the other areas are password protected.

User oriented structure

Each user has specific tasks on the machine. As several users can have the same task, as for example the knitters, these individual users are combined to a user group.

There are four user groups:

  • Оператор (knitter)
  • Поддръжка (maintenance personnel)
  • Старши оператор (technician, foreman)
  • STOLL Сервиз (STOLL service technician)

Each user group has different rights.

A Старши оператор has more permissions at the knitting machine than an Оператор.

An area that is specifically only for the knitter (Оператор)

During the development of the new user interface, the main criterion was that the knitter would receive his own area for his activity. For that purpose the Текущо Задание was created specifically for the knitter (Оператор). The training period for this area is short, also for new personnel.

All other areas are locked for him, they are protected by a password (default setting). This way the Оператор cannot perform unintentional changes or error operations in the other areas.

User guidance

If several work steps are necessary for a task the user is guided step-by step through the task.
New employees will also be immediately able to perform the work steps correctly.

Guided remedy of a production interruption

The remedy of the most common production interruptions (as for example yarn breakage) is supported by special dialogs to remedy the error as fast as possible.

Intuitive operation

Fast recognition of the function of a button - for this each button has an icon and an explanatory text. You know many of the icons from the previous user interface.

Additionally, for most of the buttons there is a bubble help - if you remain a little longer on a button with the finger, an additional help text appears, which informs about the function of the button.


An order is created for this production.

An order can consist of one or more knitting programs.

The previous order menu and sequence menu are no longer required.