Additional Setting: Main Take-down, Auxiliary Take-down and Comb

It may be necessary to do some of the following additional settings when setting up the knitting program or during production:

Submenu: Intervene Manually II

  1. You are signed in as Senior Operator .
  2. Knitting program is loaded and the order was started.
  3. In the main navigation bar Set up Order is selected.
    Select Intervene Manually II in the bottom navigation bar.
    Tap the button for the desired function.



Open Fabric Take-down

Close Fabric Take-down


Close Auxiliary Take-down [W+1]

Open Auxiliary Take-down [W+0]


Comb Downwards


Catch Comb Thread


Release Drive Brake [ >! ]

Error messages about the take-down systems

During production, the control of knitting machine compares the current values with threshold values. If a threshold value is exceeded, the knitting machine stops and displays the corresponding error message in a window.


'Stop Motions and Warnings' window


Area for displaying of the current stop motions and warnings

In the display jump to the left with or to the right with .

  • Buttons highlighted in green; solved stop motions / warnings
  • buttons highlighted in red: existing stop motions / warnings

  • The auxiliary take-down is turning to fast or not at all
  • Auxiliary take-down is turning too slowly

Main take-down motor is turning too fast

Main take-down motor is turning too slow or not at all

Comb take-down motor is turning to slow or not at all

Comb light barrier interrupted

Main take-down winding plate

Main take-down is open

Auxiliary take-down open

Collision risk of comb with main take-down

Collision risk of comb with auxiliary take-down


Display of the number with detailed text description of the current stop motion / warning

  • With stop motions the text is in red
  • With warnings the text is in yellow


Opens a window for the current stop motion / warning with specification of the possible causes and their possible solution



With this button confirm the entry after solving the stop motion / warning.



The display window remains visible in the foreground

The display window remains in the background.
When pressing the button, the window with the stop motions / warnings is displayed.



Close Window

    In the Stop Motions and Warnings menu tap the Take-down system (red) button.
  1. The window with the possible solutions for the error message is opened.


Error in Take-down System

Main take-down motor is turning too fast


    Activate the Switch off Rotation Speed Monitoring of Fabric Take-down [WMC=0] button.
  1. The speed control of the active take-down system (main take-down / comb take-down) is set to 0. The motor does not turn anymore.