1x1 Knitting Technique

Stitch line with 1x1 knitting technique

Stitch line of the 1x1 knitting technique

This knitting technique can be implemented on all machine types. Based on the quality (fabric appearance), however, we recommend using a machine with the Multi Gauge gauges.

Machine types with multi gauge

Gauge specification multi gauge

The gauges are specified with E xx.2.

Multi gauge gauges

Coarse gauges:

  • E 1,5.2
  • E 2,5.2
  • E 3,5.2
  • E 5.2

Fine gauges:

  • E 6.2
  • E 7.2
  • E 8.2
  • E 9.2

Example E 5.2

Needle bed gauge = E 10

Needle hook gauge = about E 5


  • Flexible production
  • Several gauges can be implemented on one machine
    • Fine fabrics are knit with fine yarn on all needles
    • Coarse fabrics are knit with coarse yarn in 1x1 technique

: The yarn thickness can be adapted by the number of yarns.

Characteristics of the machine

  • Larger needle bed gap between the needle beds
  • Adapted, larger needle hook
  • Adapted holding-down jack control

Racking with patterns in 1x1 technique

When knitting structures with racking in 1x1 technique, the racking courses are doubled. This requires changing the transfer sequences to improve the running reliability.

Stitch line and racking courses with a 2x2 cable in 1x1 technique