Multi gauge knitting technique

Multi gauge knitting technique

This knitting technique is based on the intarsia knitting technique as the neighboring areas (coarse - fine) in one knitting row are knitted with different yarn carriers.
The multi gauge gauges are recommended (e.g. E2,5.2, 3,5.2, 5.2 etc.).

Simplified presentation of fabric and stitch line:

Stitch Presentation

Stitch line

Coarse and fine color fields side by side

In the coarse area only every second stitch row will be knit in 1x1.
In the fine area every stitch row will be knit with all needles.
Result: Stitch ratio coarse: fine is 1: 2.



Stitch line with binding at the edge of the color field

Only the fine areas (fine yarn) are linked into the coarse field by tuck.

Different transitions at the change from coarse area to fine area

fine pick-up of stitches

split pick-up of stitches