Example 4: Knitting-in with Knot, Split and Float

Example 3


  • Module Binding / knot: Knot Split
  • Module for knitting-in: Float ( --- )


Module Binding / Knot at the beginning of the color field


Module for knitting-in (positioning) the yarn carrier at the color field selvedge

: In case of problems with long floats


The float is visible on the fabric back.
The Split knot knots the thread in its own color field, resulting in a nice, invisible knot.
The production time is not increased.

: When finishing, the thread ends don't need to be pulled out manually nor knotted at the color field selvedge.


  • Module Binding / knot: Knot Split with fixing (3)
    : Fixing enables a better yarn insertion with knot split.
  • Module for knitting-in: Float ( --- )

Knitting-in and knitting-out never is knitted on the same needle!