Example 1: Knitting-out with tuck and float

Example 1:


  • Module Binding / knot: Tuck – Float – Float ( v - - )
  • Knitting-out module: Float – Float – Tuck – Float ( - - v - )


Module Binding / Knot at the beginning of the color field

: Module is inserted only 1x at the color field selvedge.


Module for knitting-out (positioning) the yarn carrier at the color field selvedge

: The module is inserted several times, i.e. the distance between the color field and the fabric selvedge must be filled with the module.

: The maximum floating length corresponds to the machine gauge.


Knitting-out with tuck and float is only visible on the fabric back.

: When finishing, the thread ends must be pulled out manually and knotted at the color field selvedge.

Knitting-in and knitting-out never is knitted on the same needle!