Plating with ADF machines

Adjustment of the yarn carriers

It is a requirement that the ADF yarn carriers are correctly adjusted vertically and horizontally.

Changing specifications in assigned plating indices:

With the help of the specifications in the YPI menu it is possible to 'correct' the yarn carriers when plating.

  1. You are signed in as Senior Operator .
  2. Knitting program is loaded.
  3. The production was started.
    In the main navigation bar select Set-up Order.
    Switch to Prepare Machine in the bottom navigation bar.
    Open the Setup Editor with the key.
    In the editor select the Yarn carrier menu.
    Switch to the YC/YCI tab.
  1. The yarn carriers used for plating in the pattern are displayed with the used YPIn plating indices.
    Make changes.



Value range


List with the used YPIn plating indices

: Defines the distance between the yarn carrier and the normal yarn insertion position in the needles and the insertion angel.


Insert Position <<

Horizontal panning of the insertion position (x) in the carriage direction from right to left

  • Positive value: Following basic yarn.
    The thread is inserted in the needles later on.
    Default: 7.0 mm
  • Negative value: Leading plating yarn
    Default: 0 mm

Minimum value: -100 mm
Maximum value: 100 mm
Step width: 0.1 mm

Height <<

Vertical panning (y) in the carriage direction from right to left
Corrects the insertion angle

  • Positive value: Steeper yarn angle
    Default: 1.2 mm for the following basic yarn
  • Negative value: Flatter yarn angle

Minimum value: -2 mm
Maximum value: 5 mm
Step width: 0.1 mm

Insert Position >>

Horizontal panning of the insertion position (x) in the carriage direction from left to right


Height >>

Vertical panning (y) in the carriage direction from left to right



    With the Close button exit the SETUP Editor.
  1. Changed values are saved in .setx when saving.
    Start the machine with the engaging rod.
  1. The changes will be carried out with the next use of the yarn carrier.

II. Clamping depth of the clamping and cutting device


Value range


Control of the clamping depth n of the clamping and cutting needles.

Default setting: n=0
e.g.: sink the cutting needles by 5 steps deeper: NCC=5

Min. value: -25
Max. value: 25
Step width: 1