Special features of ADF 530-32 W

I. Special features of the machine:

  1. Each system has a weave-in device

Weave-in Devices

The weave-in device improves the weft insertion significantly and can also be used partly (with limitation) as fabric presser foot.

  1. The jack openers are not spring-loaded.


Weave-in device in operation


Weave-in device out of operation

II. Position of the weave-in device:

Jack opener

Between the opened jack and the jack opener, there should be a small gap to prevent the jack butt from wearing.


III. Reference run of the weave-in device at the machine:

  1. You are signed in as Senior Operator .
    In the main navigation bar select Maintain Machine.
    In the menu press the Weave-in device button.
  1. The menu Test the weave-in device is opened.

Reference run is missing

Reference run ok

The reference run has a problem

: Press the Reference Run button again.


    Tap the Reference run button.
  1. A message is displayed:
    Confirm the message with the Yes button.
  1. The weave-in devices are referenced .
    Exit the menu with the OK button.

Reference run presser foot

This reference run may be carried out only in the needle bed area. No yarn carrier may be located in the carriage as well.
Never carry out a reference run in the area of the clamping and cutting bed.