Install the EKC operating system and import the machine data

Unplug USB memory stick!

Once the USB memory stick is plugged in, it may happen that a wrong drive is set for the USB memory stick. The "F" drive will not be set but another one.

(Remedy: Switch off machine, remove USB memory stick, switch on machine)

  1. The USB Memory Stick is unplugged.
    Switch on machine at main switch.
    A message says that an operating system is to be installed.
  1. 3
    Tap OK.
    Insert the USB memory stick with the current EKC operating system.
    Select the directory from which the operating system is to be installed.
    Select F drive and confirm with OK.
  2. 6
    Tap Installation & Configuration button.

    Check whether the Force Installation check box is disabled.
    Confirm the installation with Yes.
  3. The installation is started. This may take a couple of minutes.
    The computer may repeat the Reboot several times.
  4. 8
    The message saying that the machine configuration is missing will appear.
    Confirm the message with OK.

    The Configuration menu will appear.
  5. 10
    Go to the Service menu and tap the Upgrade button.
  6. 11
    Select F:\ path and confirm with OK.
    The machine data has the following file extension:
    OKC: *.zip
    EKC: *.slf
  7. The machine data is imported.
    Once the data is successfully imported, the message "Upgrade done" is displayed.

  8. 12
    Tap the button OK.
    The computer carries out a Reboot.
    If the Reference Run menu appears, the installation is completed.
    Carry out a reference run.

Check date, time and the time zone.

  1. Senior Operator
    Open the Time and Language tab.
    Configure Machine System Settings Time and Language
    Check date, time and the time zone.

Concluding activities

    Check the settings. for the STOLL Nameserver (SNS) or the PPS.