
Enter manually the correction values fort the three racking types.

Normal racking

Correzione base dello spostamento

The position of the rear needle bed relative to the front needle bed is set with the VGK value (factory setting).

Rettifica posizione dello spostamento

Fine adjustment of the racking.

The rear needle bed is aligned exactly relative to the front needle bed.

The VPK value changes the position of rear needle bed - a change has effect on all racking positions.

VLn – VRn

You can correct each racking position (n) individually.

Spostamento del trasporto

Fine adjustment of the transfer racking to the left.

Fine adjustment of the transfer racking to the right.

VLn – VRn

You can correct each transfer racking position (n) individually.

Mezzo spostamento

VLn – VRn

You can correct each half racking position (n) individually.

Immissione manuale dei dati macchina

Se si sono persi i valori correnti dei dati macchina e non si dispone di dati dongle, i dati potranno essere immessi manualmente.