Enclose the Weft Yarn by Stitch (CMS-W, Qw)

Yarn Carrier Type Qw

Enclose the weft yarn by stitch
Enclose the weft yarn by stitch

Schematic representation of the knitting situation

One system only (S2) inserts the weft yarn and encloses it by knitting.
One system only (S2) inserts the weft yarn and encloses it by knitting.

Create pattern

    Draw basic pattern.
    Define a plating color.
    Open the Plating (1) dialog box.
  1. 3
    For the plating color P1 the following specifications (2) are necessary:
    Column 1: weft yarn carrier "Qw"
    Column 2: Yarn carrier for the basic color
    Draw needle action (3) together with the plating color into the pattern.
    In the Weave-in device (4) control column, activate the weave-in device.
  2. 6
    Carry out technical processing.
    Both yarn carriers are automatically entered in the Yarn carrier control column.