Intarsia binding / Gore binding

Intarsia binding / Gore binding

Under binding is meant the way of interconnecting two neighboring knitting areas (color fields).
The binding can be carried out at the beginning of the color field or at the end of the color field, i.e. the binding is carriage stroke dependent.

Binding with the binding element tuck (default)

Technical view

Fabric View


Both color fields knit tuck at the beginning of the color field (default setting)

The binding is knitted at the beginning of the color field

: The binding is secure as the following yarn carrier binds the tuck.

Closed color field selvedge

: Binding at the fabric back


Both color fields knit tuck at the end of the color field

The binding is knitted at the end of the color field

: Binding not so secure!!

Closed color field selvedge

: Binding at the fabric back


Binding with Binding Element Stitch

Technical view

Fabric view fabric front


Both color fields knit stitch

The binding is knitted at the beginning of the color field.

Closed color field selvedge through stitch

: Binding on the fabric front as patterning effect.

No binding at both color field selvedges

Technical view

Fabric view fabric front


Both color fields don't carry out any binding = vertical opening

Combination possibilities of the different bindings

You have many options of combining the types of bindings at the color field selvedges, where the right and left color field selvedge may also differ from each other.