Make settings for racking

The racking correction optimizes the transfer process and improves the running reliability with patterns with racking technique. A racking correction influences the position of the rear needle bed regarding the front needle bed during the transfer.

Possible corrections:

Racking Functions VCI

All Sintral commands regarding the racking are managed by functions. For each racking position, a racking function VCIn is stored with index.

Input of changes for racking:

  1. You are signed in as Senior Operator .
  2. The knitting program is loaded and the production was started.
  3. Machine is running till the automatic stop (Sintral command ?).
  4. Machine is manually stopped at the racking position you want to check.
    In the main navigation bar select the main area Set up Order.
    Tap on Prepare Machine in the bottom navigation bar.
    Tap the button.
  1. The Setup Editor appears.
    With the Racking button, open the table with the VCI indices used in the pattern.


    Tap in the input field to be changed.
    Enter values or a comment.

Sintral specification

A VCIn racking function is allocated to each racking direction existing in the cable cross-overs. With the help of the commands in the racking function, the corresponding racking position is influenced.