Create order menu
- You are signed in as 상위 운영자.
- The 설정 작업 -> 오더 편집 window is selected.
- 1
- In the 오더 편집 window tap the 새 주문 생성 button.
- 2
- The 새 주문 생성 window appears.
- 3
- Select the desired knitting program (1). It is highlighted in color.
- 4
- Tap the button (2) repeatedly, until the menu item 주문 메뉴 (3) is chosen.
- 5
- The 주문 메뉴 window appears.
- 6
- Fill in line by line.

ST1= Number of pieces to be produced, if "ST1=0" then this line will not be taken into consideration |
ST2= already produced pieces |
Modify cycle counters or counters: Tap on the column header in the header (4) and choose the desired setting.
Enter the ST2 value simultaneously in all lines.
- 7
- If you entered all specifications into the list, tap the button
작업 만들기.
- 8
- The window is closed and the window 오더 편집 is displayed.
It continues with the section "Produce order menu".