Table Entries (Needle Bed Distance)

Make the following settings in this table:


인덱스 열을 정렬합니다.

앞과 뒤 니들 베드에 대한 선택 사항을 표시합니다. Ctrl 키를 누른 상태에서 다른 테이블에서도 추가 값을 커서로 가져옵니다.


인덱스 색상 색상 값을 변경하려면 색상을 클릭합니다.
Colors in use are marked by .

Total Distance

Distance between the needle beds in total.

  • If you edit the distance in total, the value will be distributed equally between both needle beds.
  • If you edit the value of one needle bed, the value will be added correspondently to the total distance.
    The sum of the values of the individual needle beds always corresponds to the total distance.

Front Distance

Distance from the front needle bed to the center.

Rear Distance

Distance from the rear needle bed to the center.


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