The Buttons - Structure and Function

Each button has an icon and an explanatory text. This way, you will quickly recognize the function of the button.



Single function

  • Information field
  • Displays the current value.
  • The value cannot be changed in this menu.
  • Marking: gray field

  • Opens the dialog to make changes.
  • Marking: Gradient from light to dark

  • Activate / deactivate the function.
  • Marking:  and
  • - Function inactive or deactivated
  • - Function active or activated. Additionally, the button is highlighted in color.

Double function

Upper area of the button:

  • Activate / deactivate the function.
  • Marking:  and

Lower area of the button:

  • Make special setting
    If you tap on the lower area, i.e. below the separator bar (· · · · · ·), the selection field or the dialog appears.
    • Icon (1)
      Open the selection field (list with setting options)
    • Area (2) below the separator bar
      Opens the dialog to modify the values

Bubble Help (Tooltip)

For most of the buttons there is a bubble help - if you remain a little longer on a button with the finger, an additional help text appears, which informs about the function of the button.

Special case - button blocked

The menu is locked.
The icon shows that the button (function) is password protected.

If a change is to be made, the password is necessary.
If the menu is closed again, the lock is reactivated.